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University of Western



Key Facts


✅95.2% 頂級就業率



✅2019 就有24位 #羅德學者

超強 #IVEY商學院 -加拿大哈佛美譽

✅加拿大入學門檻第五高 90.6%的平均成績

✅全球神獸級#大三才能申請的 商科 IVEY HBA 只有精英中的精英才能念

#麥基爾大學#多倫多大學#西安大略大學#皇后大學 為加拿大傳統四大校 (The Old Four)

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🔔Rolling Basis循環錄取

📣 準備文件

  • GMAT

  • 成績單 B+ min.

  • 畢業證書

  • 2 封推薦函

  • 兩年工作經驗

  • TOELF or IELTs

  • Personal Background Sheet

  • Curriculum Vitae


🔔 6 term

🔔申請截止日 :January 15th

📣 準備文件

  • 成績單 B+ min.

  • 畢業證書

  • 2 封推薦函

  • TOELF or IELTs

  • 作品集

  • 1000字 sample of written work

  • Curriculum Vitae


🔔 16-month


  • Business Analytics

  • Digital Management

  • International Business

  • International Business with CEMS-MIM

📣 準備文件

  • GMAT or GRE 600+

  • MSc-CEMS 會要語言

  • 大學畢業少於兩年

  • 成績單 B+ min.

  • 畢業證書

  • 2 封推薦函

  • TOELF or IELTs

  • Resumé.

  • Curriculum Vitae

  • calculus, linear algebra, statistics and computer science 建議大學有修


🔔 6 term Thesis-based

🔔申請截止日 :

  • July 31 - Fall Term

  • November 30 - Winter Term

  • March 31 - Summer Term


  • Applied Electrostatics & Electromagnetics

  • Biomedical Systems

  • Communication Systems and Data Networking

  • Microsystems & Digital Signal Processing

  • Power Systems Engineering

  • Robotics & Control

  • Software Engineering

📣 準備文件

  • 成績單 Minimum 70% average in the last two years

  • 畢業證書

  • 2 封推薦函

  • TOELF or IELTs

  • Supplementary questions

  • Curriculum Vitae

  • Statement of Purpose


🔔 6 Terms


  • Applied Linguistics

  • Counselling Psychology

  • Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies

  • Curriculum Studies

  • School and Applied Child Psychology

📣 準備文件

  • 成績單 Minimum 70% average in the last two years

  • 分科有各別要求

  • 畢業證書

  • 2 封推薦函

  • TOELF or IELTs

  • Supplementary questions

  • Curriculum Vitae

  • Writing sample

  • Statement of Purpose


🔔 4 terms非本科有機會申請

🔔申請截止日 :Feb 15th


  • Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Computer-Based Games

  • Bioinformatics and Biocomputing

  • Computer Algebra

  • Distributed Systems

  • Graphics, Image Processing, and Computer Vision

  • NeuroScience

  • Software Engineering and Human Computer Interaction

  • Theoretical Computer Science

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