Key Facts
✅QS世界大學評比 #五星+
✅ 1869創立紐西蘭第一所大學
✅全球排名200強, 紐西蘭第二名
✅紐西蘭唯一牙醫系, 全球前十強
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🎖2021 QS World University Rankings by Subject
# 1 in New Zealand MBA
# Top 1% of Business Schools in the world
# 13 in the world Online MBA
# 10 in the world Strategy and Business Development
# 100 in the world Operations Management
🎖2021 QS World University Rankings by Subject
# 13 in New Zealand
🎖2021 QS World University Rankings by Subject
# 12 in the world
🎖2021 QS World University Rankings by Subject
# 100 in the world
🎖2021 QS World University Rankings by Subject
# 100 in the world
🎖2021 QS World University Rankings by Subject
# 66 in the world
🎖2021 QS World University Rankings by Subject
# 100 in the world
🎖2021 QS World University Rankings by Subject
# 100 in the world
🎖2021 QS World University Rankings by Subject
# 38 in the world