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University of Cambridge 劍橋大學

121位 #諾貝爾獲獎者、15位 #英國首相、11位 #菲爾茲獎得主、7位 #圖靈獎得主

#英國G5集團 倫敦政經、劍橋大學、牛津大學、劍橋大學、倫敦帝國學院

Coimbra Group #科英布拉集團

Russell Group #羅素大學集團




C++之父 -Bjarne Stroustrup





杜比音效發明人- Milton Dolby



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  1. Architecture Architecture and Urban Design - MPhil Architecture and Urban Studies - MPhil

  1. Developmental Biology - MPhil


  1. Master of Accounting - MAcc

  2. MSt in Entrepreneurship - MSt

  1. Chemistry - MPhil

  1. Advanced Computer Science - MPhil

  1. Economics - MPhil

  2. Finance and Economics - MPhil

  1. Advanced Subject Teaching - MSt

  2. Education - EdD

  3. Education (Arts, Creativity & Education) - MPhil

  4. Education (Education, Globalisation and International Development) - MPhil

  5. Education (Educational Leadership and School Improvement) - MEd

  6. Education (Mathematics Education) - MEd

  7. Education (Primary Education) - MEd

  8. Education (Psychology and Education) - MPhil

  9. Education (Research in Second Language Education) - MPhil

  1. Construction Engineering - MSt

  2. Energy Technologies - MPhil

  3. Engineering - MPhil

  4. Engineering for Sustainable Development - MPhil

  5. Industrial Systems, Manufacture, and Management - MPhil

  6. Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence - MPhil

  7. Nuclear Energy - MPhil

  1. Business Administration - MBA

  2. Finance - MFin

  3. Innovation, Strategy and Organisation - MPhil

  4. Management - MPhil

  5. Master of Accounting - MAcc

  6. MSt in Entrepreneurship - MSt

  7. Social Innovation - MSt

  8. Strategy, Marketing and Operations - MPhil

  9. Technology Policy - MPhil

  1. Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Society - MSt

  1. International Relations - MSt

  2. Politics and International Studies - MPhil

  3. Public Policy - MPhil


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